This is the cover of Another Brick in the Wall Part1 from “THE WALL” Pink Floyd Album.
The audio was recorded with NO Backing Track: I played Guitars, Bass and Synth and the voice is Massimiliano Novelli, my great friend and musician! Children sounds was registered out of my son’s elementary school
- AUDIO Track High Quality: Audio Player
- VIDEO Cover:
The Wall Pickguard was hand-made by a friend of mine!!! Not too complex, as you would think:-)
Fender Stratocaster Vintage USA 62 (White) and Fender Stratocaster Vintage USA 57 (Green) both in BRIDGE/MEEDLE Pickup position, BOSS GT-10 User Patch, a PC to record
Compressor + Full Range PreAmp + EQ + FLANGER + Delay 450ms + Stereo Chorus + Hall Reverb
Here you can download two version of my GT-10 Patch:
Pink Floyd – ANOTHER BRICK in THE WALL YOU TUBE GT10 2011-07-22
Pink Floyd – ANOTHER BRICK in THE WALL YOU TUBE GT10 2011-12-08
- Here you can download the TAB I used for the Guitar Tracks:
Pink Floyd – Another_brick_in_the_wall_PartOne – Chords & Lyrics [MAU]
- Here you can download the Backing Tracks for you:
Pink Floyd – AnotherBrickInTheWallPart1 (WS)
Pink Floyd – AnotherBrickInTheWallPart1 (WS No GuitSOLO)
Pink Floyd – AnotherBrickInTheWall Part1 (OnlyGuitBase) 100bpm [MAU]
Pink Floyd – AnotherBrickInTheWall Part1 (NO GUIT, NO DIST) 100bpm [MAU]
Pink Floyd – AnotherBrickInTheWall Part1 (NO GUIT) 100bpm [MAU]
Finally I want to thank my friend MATTIA who kindly lent me his beautiful “Wall Guitar” to record this track!!!
io ho la AX8 FRACTAL , potresti gentilmente dire come è regolato il Delay della nota continua di RE . gRAZIE CIAO
hi maurizio,please what’ is the full range preamp do you used!!and what the chains.thank you
thanks for this great material!
HI , GREAT playing best cover on youtube. i am trying to find a good setting on my TC Flashback . Very new to the delay pedal . Please could you recommend i delay setting for this song on the TC Flashback . Kind regards Stuart.
Hi Gustavo, fantastic stuff. I have been asked to join a pink floyd tribute band but can’t seem to nail the sounds as you do. I have clicked the link to download your patches for the GT10 but cant seem to open the files you have. I’m not sure which program to use as I’ve tried all kinds of zip open programs. Do I need to connect my GT10 to the pc when I download so will recognise the files? They download as KIPR files which no program I have used recognises them. Do you know which program would recognise these files so I can add to gt10.
Many thanks
Excellent vídeo. I am trynig to learn it, i have already downloaded the tabs, but i can´t understand wich note is played after the G or Gm chord. Is it possible to show me this chord?
The videos you post helps me a lot . Thanks!.
Hi Gustavo, referring to second 1.06 in the video, after the G5 chord on the 3rd fret there is another G5 chord but on higher frets (10th on E string; 8th on B string and 7th on G string). While your are moving from 3rd to 7th fret help you with some rhythm mute picking. That’s all!
Thank You !
E’ bellissima. Peccato che non è per il kemper. Però non si sa mai, può darsi che a Natale succede qualche miracolo. Ciao Maurì.